Sleep disorders are conditions that affect to sleep well on a regular basis. There are 5 types of sleep disorders; insomnia, sleep apnea, parasomnias, restless leg syndrome and narcolepsy.
Insomnia can potentially cause difficulty concentrating and weight gain due to the constant lack of sleep. Due to this, it can cause impaired work or school performance so a person cannot fulfill his/her full potential.
Causes of insomnia include stress, where active thinking about a certain issue keeps the person awake at night or makes it hard to stay asleep. Anxiety is also a common cause of insomnia as more serious anxiety disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder may disrupt your sleep. Worrying about not going to sleep also can make it harder to fall asleep.
Depression can also cause insomnia. Medical conditions such as breathing issues or chronic pain, menopause, perimenopause (ie a few years before menopause) or andropause (the male equivalent of menopause, ie: deficiency of male hormone testosterone similar to the deficiency of the female hormone of estrogen causing menopause and perimenopause) can also cause insomnia. More common things like not having a calm and comfortable sleeping environment, bad sleeping habits such as drinking coffee before sleeping, a change in the environment due to traveling or work (jetlag) also causes insomnia.