Photobiomodulation (PBM) is the mechanism by which non-ionizing optical radiation in the visual and near infrared spectral range is absorbed by endogenous chromophores to elicit photo-physical & photo chemical events at various biological scales. Recharging your mitochondria is done to re-balance your neurotransmitters and reverse psychological dysfunctions as Dr. Chris Palmer, the Harvard University professor and author of Brain Energy proposed as an effective treatment for most psychological and psychiatric disorders as this addressed the underlying cause of the diseases.
The therapy includes targeted stimulation of the cerebellum & vagus nerve with customised frequencies and power for specific under and over active areas of these brain areas so their activity and performance can be restored back to optimum level.
Therapy, daily Photobiomodulation + 2x a week Infraslow fluctation neurofeedback. ‘N’ age 23 had been on a cocktail of meds for 5 years with doses increased during covid.He a very violent and angry young man. I began training him in February 2023. About four months ago he asked by himself to stop all medication. Till today he has not taken any medication.