ADD treatment isn’t just about taking medication. There are many other effective treatments that can help People with ADD improve their ability to pay attention, control impulsive behavior, and curb hyperactivity. ADD Psychotherapy, ADD social skills training, ADD Nutritional Medicine are all part of a balanced treatment plan that can improve performance at work, improve your relationships with others, and decrease stress and frustration.
ADD treatment and assessment and ADD Medication
Stimulants such as Ritalin and Adderall are often prescribed for attention deficit disorder, but they might not be a good option for you—and they’re certainly not the only treatment. There is little evidence that medication improves relationships, or behavioral issues. Even in the short term, medication won’t solve many problems or eliminate many of the symptoms of ADD
Furthermore, there are concerns about the side effects these strong drugs may have on a child’s developing brain. The side effects—such as irritability, loss of appetite, and insomnia—can be devastating.
The side effects of medications also differ from one person to other and, for many, they far outweigh any benefit. you will do much better if you are taking advantage of psychological treatments that teach new ADD coping skills. ADD medication should always be closely monitored. When medication for ADD is not carefully monitored, it is less effective and more risky. Even if you have chosen to be on medication, that doesn’t mean you has to stay on it forever. You can safely decide to stop treating ADD with medication if things aren’t going well. If you want to stop taking medication, be sure to let your doctor know your plans and work with him or her to taper off the drugs slowly.
ADD treatment and assessment:
Treatment starts at home with Anti ADD Diet
Evidence shows that eating a specially formulated anti ADD diet such as those formulated by Dr. Daniel Amen, best-selling author of "The 7 Types of ADD" and practiced by Dr. Edward Chan, Principal Consultant Child Psychologist and accredited Amen Clinics practitioner can help your child manage the symptoms of ADD. That means your child can begin treatment for ADD today—at home.
ADD Assessments:
ADD Laboratory Diagnostic tests
ADD treatment needs to be based on accurate ADD assessments which not only cover the psychological assessments but also ADD laboratory diagnostic tests. Anti ADD Nutritional Supplements need to be tailored to brain's needs based on ADD laboratory diagnostic tests as offered at the International Psychology Centre such as gene tests, neurotransmitters tests, heavy metal toxicity tests, gut dysfunction stool tests that identify the nutrients lacking in your child's brain due to a variety of reasons including genetic, wrong diet, and environmental toxins.
ADD Treatment:
ADD Behavioural Therapy
ADD behavioural therapy which includes learning better social, emotional and communications skills are all part of a balanced treatment plan that can improve performance , improve relationships with others, and decrease stress and frustration. ADD treatment is more effective when the the person is properly addressed by professional psychologists who are ADD experts so that effective treatments are formulated based on the assessment that address emotional, behavioral and nutritional issues of ADD which medications cannot address
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