Certification In Psychotherapy

Certification in Psychotherapy (endorsed by Division of Individual Psychotherapy, Malaysian Association of Psychotherapy (MAP), the Malaysian Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Association (MCBTA) and Psychotherapy Chapter of Malaysian Society for Complementary Medicine (MSCM)) leading towards practitioner membership (Division of Family Therapy), licensure of MAP, MCBTA, MSCM and World Council of Psychotherapy (WCP) Certification

This course is providing best-practice Psychotherapy training for professionals who have a passion for assisting individuals, regardless of age, gender, race and social class to achieve optimum mental health.

What is included in the certification course:

  • Lecture
  • Tutorial
  • Group Clinical Supervision
  • Clinic Case review and assessment
  • Peer Support
  • Small group discussions
  • Support to set up a clinical practice

Fees and Course Structure

  • Course Cost

    RM 4,800 (Students are required to buy various recommended text books)

  • Course Time

    3 months

  • Prerequisite

    At least a Credit in SPM English or two years working experience at a related industry

  • Group Size

    Group limited to 8 participants maximum only to optimize group dynamics

Training Topics

Certification in Psychotherapy

1) Introduction to Psychotherapy

2) History of Psychotherapy

3) Developmental Psychology

4) Mental Health and Psychology

5) Abnormal Psychology

6) Neuro Psychology

7) Psychotherapy Approaches

8) Depression and Psychotherapy

9) Anxiety and Psychotherapy

10) Psychonutritional Therapy

11) Stress and Psychotherapy

12) Addiction and Psychotherapy

13) Ethics and Boundaries

Course Layout

We use the mastery system of education. Besides lecturing, this course provides clinical experience such as: research, case study, group clinical supervision, reflections, discussions & presentation. Assessment includes case study oral and written presentations, group participation, research paper and assignments.

The topics mentioned above are taught within 3 months. During this period, students will also be given clinical case assignments and presentations to do.

Our course is structured as 2 intensive workshop with 6 group clinical supervision & oral / written case presentation for the assessment. Fulfilling the attendance and passing the criteria given will lead to towards the licensed practitioner membership of Adult Psychotherapy, Geriatric Psychotherapy, Family Therapy, Couple Therapy, Child Therapy, Art Therapy and/or Expressive Therapy Divisions of Malaysia Association of Psychotherapy, Family Therapy, Couple Therapy, Child Therapy, Art Therapy and/or Expressive Therapy Divisions of Malaysia Association of Psychotherapy.

Equipment & Venue

Below are the equipment used:

  • Psychometric Instruments
  • Audio Resources
  • White board
  • Notes/ books

Venue: International Psychology Centre, Kuala Lumpur.

Teaching Faculty 

The course will be facilitated by IPC team of psychologists, art therapists, educational and child psychologists and child therapists, headed the course director.

Course Director

Dr. Edward Chan FAMPsy, FMCBTA

B.Sc.(Hons.)(Psy), MSc. (Learning)(Lancaster), D.Phil.(Psy)

(Master Trainer), Cert (Sandplay Therapy), Grad. Cert (Expressive Therapy)

CSAC(Hawaii, International Certification & Reciprocacy Consortium)(Reg. No. M906-98)

Principal Consultant Psychologist, Child Therapist & Certified Master Trainer. Dr. Chan has been conducting psychological and psychoeducational assessment and psychotherapy for the past 16 years clinical experience as the principal consultant psychologist in Malaysia, Asia and Europe.

Dr. Edward is a fellow of the Malaysian Association of Psychotherapy; a fellow of the Malaysian Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Association; a level 5 (accredited supervisor) practitioner member of the division of Adult Psychotherapy; Educational Psychology; the division of Couple and Marital Therapy; and the division of Child Therapy of the Malaysian Association of Psychotherapy, a practitioner member of the Malaysian of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Association and the Psychotherapy Chapter, the Malaysian Society for Complementary Medicine.

Dr. Chan is a board member of the World Council for Psychotherapy; the Counselling & Psychotherapy Association of Commonwealth Nations (CPACN); the Malaysian Association for Psychotherapy; the Malaysian Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Associaiton; The Psychotherapy Chapter, the Malaysian Society for Complementary Medicine and the keynote presenter for the Asian Pacific Rim International Counseling & Psychotherapy Conference 2013 (APRCPC 2013)(www.COunselingMalaysia.com)

Dr. Edward received postgraduate training on numerous psychological research and clinical practices from leading psychologists and psychotherapists in the world.

Dr. Chan had professional certification training in working with clients and patients with depression by Professor David Barlow from the Boston Centre for Anxiety and Professor Andy Clarke from the Institute of Psychiatry, University of London. He was also trained by Patrick Jansen Sandplay therapy & Symbol Work who pioneered Dona Kalff’s work on Sandplay Therapy in Australia based on her collaboration with Carl Jung and Emma Jung at the Jung Institute in Zurich. In addition, he received training from Mark Pearson in Expressive Therapy for Children & Adolescent from the Institute of Expressive Therapy, Australia. Dr Chan was also trained in clinical supervision in couple and family Therapy by Aldo Gurgone, licensed clinical Psychologist and Director of William Street Therapy centre, Australia.

Dr. Chan has also published widely, including in the academic proceedings in the various international and national conferences he has been invited to speak, Current Research & Practices on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in Asia; the critically acclaimed parenting book, Are You Man Enough To Be a Father; couple psychology book, Love Is Never Enough, Pleasurable Commitment Rules; and Dancing with Crocodiles. Dr. Edward is the keynote speaker for the Asian Pacific Rim International Psychotherapy & Counseling Conference 2013 to be published in the Handbook of Psychotherapy & Counseling Research & Clinical Practice in Asia. His professional views on children, couple and adult psychology is also regularly sought and featured in national newspaper (including the parenting, women and appointment sections of the New Straits Time, the Education Section of the Star, Oriental Daily and professional and popular journals including: Malaysian Medical Tribune, Junior Statesman, Today's Parents, Better Parents, Mama Moden, Malaysian Women Weekly, Females, Marie Claire, Nona, Jelita, Malaysian Business, CIMA, Health & Beauty. He is also a well-known radio and television personality on educational and child psychological, relationship and family issues.

Dr. Edward Chan gained his degree in psychology from Middlesex University, UK., his Masters degree in Learning from the Dept. of Educational Research, University of Lancaster, UK., and his Doctorate in Psychology from the Intercultural Open University , the Netherlands. Dr. Chan spent 3 years at the Dept. of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford and the Open University, UK to conduct the research for his doctorate work.

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