Certification in Counseling(endorsed by Division of Individual Psychotherapy, Malaysian Association of Psychotherapy (MAP), the Malaysian Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Association (MCBTA) and Psychotherapy Chapter of Malaysian Society for Complementary Medicine (MSCM)) leading towards practitioner membership (Division of Family Therapy), licensure of MAP, MCBTA, MSCM and World Council of Psychotherapy (WCP) Certification
This course is providing best-practice counselling training for professionals who have a passion for assisting individuals, regardless of age, gender, race and social class to achieve optimum mental health.
What is included in the Counselling
Fees and Course Structure
Training Topics
Certification in Counselling
1. Introduction to Counselling
2. History of Counselling
3. Developmental Psychology
4. Mental Health and Psychology
5. Abnormal Psychology
6. Neuro Psychology
7. Psychological Assessment
8. Counselling Approaches
9. Depression and Counselling
10. Anxiety and Counselling
11. Psychonutritional Therapy
12. Ethics and Boundaries
Course Layout
We use the mastery system of education. Besides lecturing, this course provides clinical experience such as: research, case study, group clinical supervision, reflections, discussions & presentation. Assessment includes case study oral and written presentations, group participation, research paper and assignments.
The duration for the course is about 3 months. Our course is structured as 2 intensive workshop with six group clinical supervision & oral / written case presentation for the assessment.The topics mentioned above are taught within 3 months. During this period, students will also be given clinical case assignments and presentations to do.
Our course is structured as 2 intensive workshop with 6 group clinical supervision & oral / written case presentation for the assessment. Fulfilling the attendance and passing the criteria given will lead to towards the licensed practitioner membership of Adult Psychotherapy, Geriatric Psychotherapy, Family Therapy, Couple Therapy, Child Therapy, Art Therapy and/or Expressive Therapy Divisions of Malaysia Association of Psychotherapy.
Equipment & Venue
Below are the equipments used:
Venue: International Psychology Centre, Kuala Lumpur
Teaching Faculty
The lecturer, tutorials, case supervisions and assignments will be conducted by the Malaysian Psychology Centre’s team of professional psychologist and coaches accredited by the Malaysian Association of Psychotherapy and the Malaysian Society for Complementary Medicine which is led by:
Dr Edward Chan FMAPsyA, FMCBTA
MSc.(Learning)(Lancaster), D.Phil.(Psy), (IOU)
CSAC (Hawaii, International Certification & Reciprocacy Consortium) (Reg. No. M906-98)
Principal Consultant Psychologist, Executive & Life Coach and Certified Master Trainer.
Dr Chan is a fellow of the Malaysian Association of Psychotherapy; a fellow of the Malaysian Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Association; a practitioner member of the division of Organisational Psychology, the division of Adult Psychotherapy; the division of Couple and Marital Therapy; and the division of Child Psychology & Therapy of the Malaysian Association of Psychotherapy; a Member of the International Employees Assistance Professionals Association; a Member of the Malaysian Institute of Human Resource Management; Charter member of the International Coaching Federation (Malaysian Chapter); a member of the International Association of Facilitators and a member of the Malaysian Society for Training and Development.
Dr Chan has been practicing, teaching and training psychology and psychotherapy for 18 years in Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand and United Kingdom. Dr Chan is also a regular contributor to national newspaper and professional journals as well as a well-known radio and television personality on psychology and relationship issues, Dr. Chan has also authored several books on these topics including the critically acclaimed Love Is Never Enough : Pleasurable Commitment Rules on Couple Psychology, Are You Man Enough To Be a Father on Child Psychology and the “Dancing with Crocodiles” on corporate psychology and Current Research and Practitioner Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Asia.